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Hawai‘i Community Lending increases access to credit and capital for the economic self-sufficiency of Hawai‘i residents with a particular focus on Native Hawaiians.

Welcome to Hawai‘i Community Lending

We are Hawai’i’s premier nonprofit mortgage lender, helping local and Hawaiian families navigate the path to homeownership. HCL is a trusted financial community partner, created to fund the affordable housing ecosystem from homebuyer to home builder to homeowner.


Grants & Loans Originated
Grants & Loans Disbursed
‘Ohana in Homes

*Impact since HCL’s founding in 2002

Maui Wildfire Relief & Recovery

At this time, our thoughts and attention are with the Maui community, which has been profoundly affected by the recent devastating wildfires. Our long-term goal is to assist those impacted on Maui rebuild their homes. We are here to provide support throughout this journey, sharing guidance, resources, and assistance every step of the way.

We are working to provide essential information and services to those in need. In addition to immediate relief efforts, we are actively setting up a comprehensive ‘toolkit’ filled with resources to aid you on your path to recovery. For more information and to access these valuable resources, please visit Maui Wildfire Relief & Recovery or follow the links below. Together, we will overcome these challenges and rebuild a stronger and more resilient community.

Support Kānaka Anti-Displacement Fund

The Kānaka Anti-Displacement Fund was set up to protect Hawai‘i’s kānaka maoli from displacement.

No-Cost Lot Surveys for Lahaina Homeowners

Are you a Lahaina homeowner who lived in your home before the August 8, 2023, Maui wildfires? Apply for a lot survey funded by the Maui Strong Fund of the Hawai‘i Community Foundation.

Lahaina Homeowner Recovery Program

The program will provide vital assistance to up to 500 owner-occupant Lahaina homeowners, helping to prevent foreclosure and qualify for financing to rebuild their homes.

Kānaka Anti-Displacement Fund

The fund is dedicated to support the Native Hawaiian population facing challenges such as the Maui wildfire disaster that uprooted Kānaka homeowners.

Temporarily halt mortgage payments, providing essential financial relief. During this period, you won’t face additional fees, penalties, or interest.

Buy a home

Are you ready for a home of your own? HCL can support your journey!

Save your home

Are you in financial hardship? Get emergency relief to prevent foreclosure.

Existing borrower

Have a question about your loan? We can help! Talk to an HCL team member.

Helping Lahaina homeowners to prevent foreclosure and qualify for financing.

An investment with us is an investment in community.

Our hard-working team at HCL gets the job done!

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